Mark Zuckerberg Mobile Number, Email ID, Postal Address, Phone No., Contact Information and More

Mark Zuckerberg Mobile Number and Contact Details, Email ID, Home Address, Personal Phone Number, Contact Information and other details those belong to Giant Tech. Mark Zuckerberg is not a just IT business person, but he rule the internet and technology through a huge list of successful projects and ventures. A person who arise in less than a decade and rule the market and online industry is really a appreciated one. Mark Zuckerberg, while in collage started some fun projects like voting pictures of different students and other similar apps. He moved her concepts to develop a social media platform. Yes! Facebook was born in his collage era while pursuing a degree, he worked and left collage for Facebook to make it possible to reach the project next level. With passage of time, Mark Zuckerberg received huge profits and investment with Facebook which he further used to buy other social apps and platform Instagram and Whatsapp. None of these projects declining either, but running all parallel with similar to different concepts, Whatsapp is sms base social networking where as Facebook and Instagram is web based applications. He further acquiring different companies and projects to further rule the Social networking industry.

Mark zuckerberg personal life is still perfect with his passions and motivation for internet projects. He married his sweetheart of collage days named as Priscilla Chain, and now they have 2 daughters. Mark Zuckerberg equally gives er time to family as per of work. He is planning to donate much of his investment and shares of companies to the needy and charitable projects as he announced on birth of her daughter. That’s great of him!

So, Here is the Mobile contact details of Mark Zuckerberg, such as Phone Number, Business Cell Phone, Contact Details, Email Address ID, Home Address, Office Address and Personal Phone Number.

Mark Zukerberg Mobile number
Mark Zukerberg Details

Mark Zuckerberg Mobile Number, Email ID, Postal Address, Phone No., Contact Information and More

Zukerberg Important Address:

  • Mark Zuckerberg Company Office Address: Facebook Inc. Menlo Park, CA 94025, United States.
  • Mailing Address: Same As Above.
  • Mark Zuckerberg Residence Address: Facebook Inc. United States of America.

Mark Zuckerberg Mobile Number and Contact Details

  • Mark Zuckerberg Phone Number: NA
  • Mark Zuckerberg Contact No: As Above
  • Telephone Number: NA
  • Mark Zuckerberg Email Address ID: NA
  • Fax-Number: NA

Social Media Accounts of Mark Zukerberg

  • Facebook Account: (Verified)
  • Twitter Account ( Not Verified): Not Available Now
  • Instagram Account: (Verified)
  • YouTube Channel: (Verified)

About (Mark Zukerberg Personality)

While in University, Mark Zukerberg along with few friends started a startup named Hot or Not. Later on they moved to start Social website Facebook which was a major hit in few years. Mark Zukerberg got billions in revenue and become billionaire in United states due to Facebook Social Network. He invested his profits for acquiring Instagram, Whatsapp and SnapChat. Mark Zukerberg is a Successful Business man of the decade.


Personal Facts and Figures

  • Birthday: 14 May 1984
  • Place of Birth: White Plains, United States of America
  • Wife Name: Priscilla Chan (Chinese)
  • Sisters: Randi Zuckerberg, Donna Zuckerberg and Arielle Zuckerberg.

Business Facts and Figures

  • Salary at Facebook: Did not disclosed publically.
  • Net worth: 67 Billion Dollars
  • Education: Harvard University (Left after 2 years).

Important Questions Asked by Users

Q: How to Meet Mark Zuckerberg?
A: You can meet Mark Zukerberg by some reference at his residence or if you are new comer then you should visit him in Facebook Inc headquarter office.

Q: How to Contact Mark Zuckerberg on Mobile?
A: To contact Mark Zuckerberg on mobile, you should follow all the above mentioned methods and details, such as Mobile contact no., email address, mailing address, and a few others.

Q: What is Mobile Number of Mark Zuckerberg?
A: Mark Zukerberg Mobile No. is provided above. Give it a call or message to get a response.

Q: How many Girl Friends Mark Zuckerberg have/had?
A: No Public details regarding girl friends but he is married now to his best girlfriend Priscilla.

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18 thoughts on “Mark Zuckerberg Mobile Number, Email ID, Postal Address, Phone No., Contact Information and More”

  1. Hi ! Mr. Zuckerberg,I am writting to you because someone has gotten into my facebook account and has signed me up for the lesbian rights as a friend of mine is Bi and caught that and she knows excactly who did that as we both live in a community home called Depaul it’s for adults with menttaly dissabilaties and when my friend caught that she told me that she saw her doing so and told me about it and we got myself off of it and the women who did the mean action is Raniek Smith and she may do more to me and I had to remove my facebook completely off and I got advice from Depaul advisorvies where I live to write to you about this situation and see if there is anything that can be done about this my cell is’nt working at this time now yet my home phone is 585-287-6715 and the phone number to the office of the house were you can talk to the Depaul manager is 585-461-2730 and I would so truely like this situation solved and they understand what’s going on here and they even told me to contact you and I thank you a great deal and I hope that we can get things solved and dammaged stopped with Raniek Smith and again I greatly appreciate you!

  2. I had a eye operation last Monday and I’m on eye drops 4 times a day for 28 days. My vision will never be the same again. I could go blind. I’m asking for ÂŁ23.000.000 this will be spent on my support I have a just giving page where you can donate. My operation was at Sheffield hospital in UK. Please pass this email to anyone that wants to help me out. Thank you

  3. Dear Mark,I have had my Facebook account deleted and I cant get it back.They said I had the wrong age.I sent my NY drivers license to prove it but still cannot get back.The rule says after 28 days you can no longer get on and I am close to that.You and I have been friends on Facebook for a long time and I am hoping you can resolve this.Thank you in advance Elly Lent

  4. Congratulations Mr Zuckerberg! You’ve finally grown some ……guts for allowing President Trump a voice on your platform. You need to fire all those who walked out because they clearly show extreme bias. They are not good for the integrity of your platform
    You certainly have had nefarious groups post on your platform which threaten our country. I’m glad you are standing up for free speech on the other side, especially from a President who has done more for us than the lefties your employees espouse. Congratulations again, you have finally grown up.
    I think you’ve finally become a man.

  5. Hi, I am curious to know whether your whatsapp can be used to send articles in superscript and subscript form. If so how can it be done, as I am finding it difficult to deliver my chemistry corrections to my students through my android phone. Please help.

  6. Dear Sir/Mark Zuckerberg,
    Honorable Chairman of Facebook Foundation and most charitable man,
    Sir, first of all, i wish you a thousand peace hearts. I hope you are well at the mercy of God. It’s the great new you are one of the richest man of the world. I’m Shah Alam. I’m a Bangladeshi. I’m a little K G school teacher. My father was a farmer. I lived a hard life, but I didn’t ask anyone. But my father died of censer. I sold my living house to my family for father’s treatment. I am writing expect a book please sir doesn’t disappoint me. Now I have no way without asking for help. I know you’re kind. By your mercy, there are many people on earth who are alive. I’m writing to you with a lot of hope. Maybe you spend millions of dollars a day, I don’t want much more than a little money to run my family. You have children like me, would not you help if you did not have children I don’t have parents, you are my parents .if you are a servant of Allah you believe in Allah then believe me oath of Allah .i have never asked for alms from anyone in my life. I have run my family with difficulty. Now I have lost everything and become a beggar. I swear to Allah I cannot stand my family. I don’t want much from you. You donate whatever you can. As a father, a boy begs his father to protect my family. I’m on your feet, my father protects my family. Really i am a helpless poor orphan .I am a low class man. I Know you are the most charitable person of the world .my mother was died when I was child. I know you are widely regarded as one of the greatest charitable man in the History of the world. Cannot you overcome my lake of family? I will be tired of your servant. Allah has made you rich and came to earth to help poor and helpless, shelter less and orphan people. But even after calling my parents so many times, no one helps. There is not a single mercy in your mind. Please mercy this helpless man. O father please give me one last time. I don’t want a lot of resources from you. Just want something to survive. Thousands of helpless people like on the earth because you are so kind. Sir cannot give new life to my family. Father please one time deeply thinks when a man wants to beg. Not a single point of my belief, sir, is a lie Please help me some money to do something and bear my family. You do not give to the fakirs; you give me in the same way. Please give me the gift of Allah. As a fakir zakat translated me. I know you are very kind merciful. Only you can help me otherwise no way without Suicide. I’d like to ask you for some money that you donate fakirs.O sir,O father please help me. Spending your one day can give new life to my family. Father I grabbed your leg save my family. Your generosity will protect my family. U father please helps me. Already your generosity has saved many families on earth. Sir why are you so cruel. I want a little more help from you}? Really father the world is so beautiful as your kindness. Father please doesn’t give me back; give me as much as you can. Please do not return me with empty handed as a beggar because Allah’s mercy on you what he has sent his creation to your door. What will a boy give back even after begging his father so much? What could be so cruel about the father? Father at least $20,000 dollars help me. Father I think this little money is not much for your organization or yourself .you can help my family with a little kindness I did not understand before that the people of the world are so cruel. I call the father of many rich people, no one helps. Father O father helps this measly a little. I know, I swear by Allah, I am very confident to get from you. Father you have a son like father did not back, donated what you could.
    ACCOUNT NAME –SHAH ALAM. CALL -8801811647244
    ACCOUNT NO-145 151 28591. Nationality-Bangladeshi
    Father you help me this time, don’t give me back like everyone else, I am asking for help from more than two hundred rich people but all have returned. You can help if you want because this little money is nothing to you.

  7. Pastor Anthony Ogwang

    Dear Beloved Mark Zuckerberg,
    Kindly help God in helping our people in the remortest areas by drilling water because hey are drinking dirty collected water in holes resulting to typhoid and diarrhoea leading to many deaths the $200.000 will help in giving them good life thanks and with Love pastor Anthony. Ogwang (Uganda East Africa)

  8. Sir please help me
    Sir iam sungtha from india my family poor two female children sir please help small house no bathroom sir i dont no english sir please help me sir a small house

  9. Millie
    I can write for the end of my life about my love and admiration for you
    I texted you on Instagram and you didn’t answer
    Really, Millie, I’m the person who loves you the most and he dreams of you and believes in you
    This thing is not in my hands
    From the first time I saw you

  10. H.P.Pasindu Suraj Kapilarathna.

    I am very poor 18th years school students in sri father’s income is LKR10000 per month.i have to spend LKR6000 for my classes.i am studying biologycal science.please help me to study and win my whatsapp number +940761287418.please help me to study.i have one clothe for wearing me.please sir help me.can you give me a scholarship to learn me.i can’t go to classes and school,bbecause i don’t have clothes and school tools.i want to be a doctor oneday.but i don’t have money.please sir help me and give me some of money.i don’t have a good person tell my problems in sri lanka.sri lankan people do not help me.please sir help me.please give me some of money from now to 2025 for study me.please be kind enough to take this matter and help me.
    My account number:BANK OF CEYLON(in sri lanka)=86077927
    *Please sir help me…..i hope to increase your ecconomy day to day and time to time.Today teach for me from online.but i can’t money to me.

  11. Dear sir/MarkZuckerberg, my name is Saviour Gabriel, from Nigeria. Please my mother was dead, and the only hope that I have now is my Father, but my father who worked in Fenco Construction Company about six years ago he lost his job. So since then, he begins to struggle just for us to survive in life. So he has suffered a lot in life, and I wanted to be an Electrical Engineer based on my talent, but since things seem to be hard for us sometimes I lose my hope. I know you have been blessed with so much wealth and I know that you are capable of helping anybody. So please sir I hereby ask for your help. My father is very brilliant, he can read, write, speak and sometimes he use to teach and enlighten some students who are in a high level of the school, but he stopped in a Secondary school because they were no money for him to continue his Education. So please sir I ask that you should help him to get a job so he will be able to train us in school. Thank God bless you.

  12. Hey Mark. My Facebook account got hacked at the beginning of this month. The hackman changed my personal information such as my email address, password, and phone number. I sent my ID card as verification but still haven’t heard back from anybody yet. Can someone please email me at It would mean a lot to me. I even called and left a voicemail on the phone. Please get in contact with me or have someone do it. I do have two Facebook as of now. The one that got hacked into was the one that I had since February 2009. That’s the one that I want back. The email address on the account is not mine. That is the hacker’s email address. I had my recovery email address on there but somehow it got deleted. Please take some time and help me out with this sir.

  13. Michelle Ann Cook

    Deer mark this is Michelle cook writing to ask if you could please help me with dental implants I haven’t smiled for 3 years I need this help so I can smile at my grandchildren and to the world without teeth I can’t even apply for work I wanted 2 so embarrassed I lost my teeth not able to afford Dental visits I truly thank you bless your heart call me to please 612 601 4 325 thank you so much I’ll be waiting and hoping you will call with good news for me.

  14. Nkechinyere Bethrand

    Dear sir
    I will be glad if you can retrieve my account because it was deactivated this morning please sir help me undisabled it And they ask me to take a record of my myself which I did please sir


    Hello Sir, I am a poor citizen, a beautiful country of nature. My home is in Sarlahi district, a very remote area. Since I was born, the common people of the Yash area have not been able to get basic services like education, health, and employment easily. The lives of ordinary citizens have become like hell. The government of Nepal has also neglected the daily life of the people living here. This is your request and request, help us. I have high hopes and beliefs. Thank you

  16. Dear sir/MarkZuckerberg
    please help me, sir
    My Facebook account in unaccessible. When I try to log in its showing me that the password is incorrect and it’s changed. Then I also tried to forget the password. But someone has also changed the phone number and email from the account. That’s why I totally lost my access. That’s why I am sending my identity to prove that I am the real owner of this account. Please do something about it

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