Greta Thunberg Phone Number, Email Address, Biography, Whatsapp and Contact Information

Environment activist Greta Thunberg’s Phone Number, Email contact ID, Contact Number Information, Biography, Whatsapp, and other related information are provided here. Greta is a popular Swedish teenager for her social activities including environmental activism and climate change. She comes to the limelight when she first at the age of 16 called for a school strike outside the Swedish parliament to record her voice to take strict action regarding global warming and other climate changes. She talked to a number of media and journalists with wonderful speeches which gave her ultimate popularity overnight in the trend of climate and environment activists. She is currently a student and an active social activist. A number of other students come forward with her to put her voice more clear and visible. After her school climate strike movement, other students also started similar protests in their own communities, together they named their protest activities as ‘Fridays of future’.

Greta Thunberg is a student and she is well-known for her straightforward and dominating action-taking voice. She is featured in Time Magazine in 2019 and named her as The future leader. Greta Thunberg even convinced her parents to take action against the climate crisis starting from her home including no air travel along with no meat meals. She is nominated for her social work and called for a number of awards and conferences by which she is known to be the perfect climate crises fighter girl and the youngest voice to take care of nature.

So, let’s see the Mobile Phone contact details of Social Environment Activist Greta Thunberg, Personal Mobile Number, Cell Phone, Other Contact Details, Email ID Addresses, Personal contact phone numbers, physical addresses, and More.

Greta Thunberg Phone Number, Email and House Address Details
Environmental Activist Greta Thunberg Contact Information and Biography Details

Activist Greta Thunberg Phone Number, Email ID, and Contact Information

Greta Thunberg Addresses:

  • House Address: Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Residence Address: Activist Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg, Stockholm, Sweden.

Environmental Activist Greta Thunberg Mobile Number and Contact Details

  • Greta Thunberg Mobile Phone Number: +46 00 098 GRETA NUMB SWEDEN NETWORK
  • Social worker Greta Thunberg Contact Number: Swedish Network SIM 4G with +46 00 098 GRETA Number
  • WhatsApp Number of Greta Thunberg: Activated in 2022
  • Personal Phone Number: +46 Network Number Available, Added
  • Swedish girl Greta Thunberg Email Account: (Verified)

Social Media Accounts of Popular Climate Activist ‘Greta Thunberg’

About (Greta Thunberg Biography)

Greta Thunberg born 3rd January 2003, is a 19 years old Swedish girl social and environmental activist popular for his speeches and protests against the climate and environmental crisis along with global warming. Her birth name is Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg. She is one of the well-known teenage who worked for social causes and to protect nature at an early age. She first records her protest outside the parliament while holding banners and marking posters in her hands regarding nature and environmental protection.


Greta Thunberg contact number, mobile number, phone number
Greta Thunberg Contact Information

Social Activist

Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is well known for her social activities for climate change. She is a student and social activist, starting in 2015 august she starts spending her school days outside the Swedish parliament as named those days a school strike for climate change. She got recognization through the media and delivers a number of speeches for her aim and motive.

Climate Change and Global Warming

Greta’s main protest aim is to stop Climate crises and Global warming and to protest nature including the environment. She got a number of followers and students to be a part of her protest in few days after starting her campaign. Time Magazine named her title Future leaders. She talked at a number of conferences on Global warming and climate crises.

Fridays of Future

Following Greta Thunberg, other students also started her campaign in their society and communities. Together they name their campaign Fridays of Future. They also have named their moment the same title along with the website.

Greta Thunberg Message

Greta holds the board outside parliament painted in white, which includes the written statement ‘ Skolstrejk för Klimatet ‘.

Personal Facts and Figures

  • Birthday/Birth Date: January 03, 2003.
  • Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden
  • Husband/Boy Friend: N/A
  • Total Children: 0
  • Age: 19 Years old
  • Official Instagram: @gretathunberg
  • Occupation: Social-Personality, Social Activist, Student
  • Height: 5,4
  • Popular Friends: N/A

Business Facts/Figures

  • Salary: Not-for-profit Organization
  • Net worth: $2 million dollars
  • Education: Yes
  • Twitter Followers: 8M Followers
  • Instagram Followers: 15M
  • YouTube Followers: 500k Subscribers

Work and Awards:

Greta Thunberg Work:

  • Social Worker
  • Social Activist
  • Environmental activist
  • Protester
  • Student
  • Fridays of Future
  • Climate crises activist
  • Social-Personality

Greta Awards:

  1. Svenska Dagbladet’s debate article writing competition on the climate for young people.
  2. Children’s Climate Prize
  3. Listed in 25 most influential teenagers
  4. Fryshuset scholarship of the Young Role Model 
  5. Swedish Woman of the Year by Swedish Women’s Educational Association.
  6. Nobel Peace Prize Nominations
  7. Goldene Kamera Special Climate Protection award
  8. Doctor honoris causa
  9. Keys to the City of Montréal, Canada
  10. International Children’s Peace Prize
  11. Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity (2020)
  12. Nordic Council Environment Prize

Important Questions Asked by Fans and Followers.

Q: How to Meet Greta Thunberg?
You can meet Greta Thunberg by making an appointment through her email and messaging social profiles.

Q: How to Contact Greta Thunberg through Email?
To contact Greta Thunberg through email check details.

Q: Whats is Age of Greta Thunberg?
A: She is 19 Years Old as of the year 2022.

Q: Mobile Phone number of Greta Thunberg?
Mobile Phone Number of Greta Thunberg is provided in her details.

Q: What is the Contact Phone Number of Greta Thunberg?
Contact Phone Number of Social Activist Greta Thunberg is not public.

Q: How many boyfriends does Greta Thunberg have?

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17 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg Phone Number, Email Address, Biography, Whatsapp and Contact Information”

  1. Maybe you should take a look at China instead of Alberta.
    We are willing to ship natural gas to China to cut down there coal consumption to help prevent more green house gases.
    But we can’t because of a few indigenous communities that think by stopping the pipeline will help the climate.
    They are only worried about there world and not the planet!!!!!
    Pretty self centered!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lets start with a small item that everyone worldwide can participate in and go from there.
    Clothes dryer strips and fabric softeners. Check the chemicals in each and the pollution coming out dryer vents, especially in close proximity communities. Also, we put these chemical treated clothes on our children.

    Lets try the small things first. This may encourage people to tackle larger problems.

  3. Greta,
    I understand your concerns, for the same I have made a small kit where you could absorb 10 gms of CO2 in 4 days. So if every one uses this to absorb CO2, we can remove significant amount of CO2 from air. Would you be interested in exploring this further and popularizing this?

  4. If you are serious about climate change listen to “IT ONCE WAS A PARADISE” by Ian Scott,
    on YouTube

  5. Shiv Hattangadi

    Kind Attention, Ms Greta Thunberg,
    With your magnanimous contribution to this world of Environment protection, I have come up with 2 major such plans to further protect this Planet. Hence I am writing a separate email to you and look forward to communicate with you in this joint venture possibilities.
    Thank you
    Shiv Hattangadi
    Orlando, FL-USA

  6. Dear Greta,
    How are you?
    I believe that you are fully aware the impact of covid 19 on the world.
    Do you want to know where the origin of the virus is?
    It will be good if an international independent professional committee can be formed to investigate the source. However, this independent committee can only do the investigation with the support from both China and the US. There are two conspiracy theories involved both countries. Both theories could be right or could be wrong or one right and 1 wrong.
    You are the young one who has supports from all over the world. May be you can also do something for the young generations and new generations to save the world from such kind of calamity.
    Would you consider to use your connections to seek China and the US to agree with forming the international independent committee? I think you are the best person because you are neither a American nor a Chinese.
    Regards & Stay Safe
    Your supporter

  7. Magriet Guthrie

    Hi there Greta
    Hope you are doing well, and taking care of yourself, I just thought I would send you an encouraging poem about climate change.
    One day at a time, that’s all you need
    To give your love as Jesus loved.
    Pray about what you require and it will come true, as long as you believe.
    Place your hand in the Almighty, and He will hear your prayers.
    Teach the youth of today, to gather in groups to do the same. Jesus heard your cries for the future, and the future lies in your hands, by the Grace of God our Almighty.
    I wish you well and all the best for the future
    Lots of love
    Someone special that cares

  8. My name is cemal yalvac i am from turkey. Sir i am your big fan.sir most of people are day the covid19 turkey is lock down and people can not go out for work and they Don’t have food.
    If you please help me and give me some money then i buy food and give them
    God bless your children my contact number ıban no:TR 78 0006 2000 1170 0006 8611 91

  9. I wish that you may read my message. I am too am aspergen like you and I truely want to dedicate the last of my breaths towards nature. It is my request that I had hidden within myself for my life
    In India there is practically no urge to protect nature and I am very ashamed to say that not even a single great leader has come up who is dedicated to guarding nature as profound in impact as you.
    India needs you Greta Thunberg the planet needs you, the very ground on which we stand is now in danger, I am completely with you in supporting, and I haven’t seen or heard a single rally of protest or on conservation in all of India.
    India is one of the most biodiverse places ranging from deserts to the highest of mountains to the densest of tropical forests, but we have been unsuccessful in protecting the equilibrium of biomes and more than a thousand species of flaura and fauna have already met extinction.
    The future of the biodiversity of India depends on you, I have experienced like you destruction of the natural world infront of my very eyes when every day I live in the 2nd most polluted citg in the entire planet.

  10. Dear Madam/Sir,

    I would like to send to Greta Thunberg a letter by e-mail. Is it possible?

    Best wishes,
    Gabriel Bar-Shaked

  11. I know how to reverse climate change and create a worldwide economy 10 times larger than the oil industry. You could ignore this like everyone else or could reply. I don’t want any money for this.
    The only catch is persuading governments.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Kindest regards
    Mark Battle.

  12. Bodge-it & Bash-it

    Dear Greta Thunberg

    We are making this planet unlivable for our species

    Whilst I think what you are doing is wonderful, sadly I feel you are asking the wrong question. It is not the planet we need to be worried about, it is the extinction of the human species we need to be more concerned about whether we want to survive here or not.

    The planet has been around for hundreds of millions of years even surviving whatever wiped out the dinosaurs 20million years ago. So, the question should be do we as a human species want to survive here. As you are aware we are wiping out most other animal species on this planet and it won`t be long before we too cannot coexist here either.

    We as humans are not powerful enough to destroy this planet it will survive in whatever state we leave it in. It may take millions of years to recover but it will recover unfortunately we as a human species won`t.

    Kind Regards

  13. Look at the trees burning all over the world. Each burning tree releases all CO2 that was collected during the years it was growing. Example 100 year old tree and 100 years of CO2.
    Western America has no forest control so everything burns. Rain forests around the equator are being cut and burned. volcanos erupt CO2.
    Fix the big problem first then start on little things like cars.
    Good Luck

  14. Hi, lovely Greta,
    I have done research on our climate, Aus and the Amazon have bushfires, caused by our Sunshine. Solar flares. They are the main cause heating our the planet. And the mode of the Earth varies over time. Which causes hot or cold temperatures. So, the carbon in the air, is a mystery, scientists tell us, that carbon is only 1.4 degrees. Our trees take in carbon from there carbon synk. The carbon synk was destroyed in Australia. When the Earth overheats. From the flares. So more carbon is in the air. Scientists tell us that if we decrease carbon dioxide, then our World will go into another ice age. We ned coal as a source of heat. Blame the natural sun. And electric cars, where do they get power from. ? Power stations. We need Hydrogen power, clean, remember Greta, we have to maintain heat. Regards, environmental ,

  15. Good day Greta
    I wish you luck with your decisions, but the best one is, saying Our Father Who Art In Heaven and continue, God’s prayer, teach all your students, that’s what a voice told me to say, unto the world, and to destroy their phones, pray for you and God bless you and your family xxxx

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