Like Nastya Phone Number, Email ID, Contact Information, Biography, Whatsapp Details

American Child YouTube Artist and Video-logger Like Nastya Phone Number, Email address, Mobile Contact Number Information, Wiki & Biography, Whatsapp and other Nastya verified contact information is provided. Searching and wandering around the YouTube website and its content, no doubt every user came across a few videos where a little angle like the girl is playing with dad and other items like Car, Home, Bags, Toys, and different amazing gadgets. Yes! that is true! She is Like Nastya! And she is mostly with her father who is giving a good time to her daughter to laugh, play, and create beautiful and interesting video content for YouTube Channels. Like Nastya is not more than 10 years old little girl so that’s why her channels and everything related to content publishing and monetization are done by her parents. Like Nastya’s dad comes along with her in videos whereas her mom most of the time captures their videos and moments to successfully complete a video project for channels.

Interestingly! It will surprise you that Like Naysta is not just working in one YouTube channel but the family has more than six to seven different YouTube channels where the main point is they publish different languages over different specific channels. Let me enlist a few here, Like Nastya, Stacy Toys, Funny Stacy, Stacy Show and Stacy PRT. However, the most popular channel of Nastya is on her name nick i.e. Like Nastya. Surprisingly, her birth name is Anastasia Radzinskaya whereas most of people know her by Nick. Anastasia Radzinskaya got more than 4 Diamond Award buttons from YouTube, and she is a record holder for that. In counting, Anastasia Radzinskaya has more than 150 billion YouTube Video Views and more than 120 million subscribers over channels.

She has multiple channels including Like Nastya, Like Nastya Live, Like Nastya PRT, Like Nastya AE, Like Nastya Vlog, Like Nastya Show and Like Nastya ESP. So, let’s see the Phone contact details of Young YouTuber and Media sensation Anastasia Radzinskaya (Like Nastya), Personal Mobile Number, Nastya Business Cell Phone, Other Contact Details, Email ID address, Personal contact phone numbers and physical addresses.

Like Nastya Phone Number, Email, House address
Contact Information Youtuber Like Nastya Vlog.

YouTube v-logger Anastasia Radzinskaya Phone Number, Email ID Address, Contact Information and Details

Anastasia Radzinskaya House Address:

  • House Address: Like Nastya, Anastasia Radzinskaya, Florida, U.S.
  • Residence Address: (Like Nastya) Anastasia Radzinskaya, Florida, United States of America.

Anastasia Radzinskaya Contact Number and Phone Number Details

  • Anastasia Radzinskaya (Like Nastya) Mobile Phone Number: Yes
  • American YouTube-er Like Nastya Contact Number: Available
  • WhatsApp Number of Like Nastya: Activated.
  • Personal Phone Number: (Private)
  • Young Girl Anastasia Radzinskaya (nick: Like Nastya) Email Address/Account: Loaded.

Social Media Accounts of Popular Artist Celebrity Star ‘Anastasia Radzinskaya’

  • Facebook Account: (Verified)
  • Twitter Account: (Verified)
  • Instagram Account: (Verified)
  • YouTube Channel: (Verified)
  • Website: N.A
  • TikTok Adress:
  • Snapchat: Not there
  • Spotify: Yes
  • MySpace: No.
  • Facetime: Yes
  • Wiki:

About (Like Nastya Biography)

Like Nastya is a Russian-American 10 years old girl. She was born into a Russian family and they moved to the United States later. Like Nastya, she is living with her parents and family in Florida. Like Nastya, her birth name is Anastasia Radzinskaya. In contrast, her popular YouTube channels whose titles are Like Nastya and Like Nastya vlog are the cause for her fame as Like Nastya Girl. So, Anastasia Radzinskaya’s nickname is Like Nastya. She was born on January 27, 2014, and at such a young age she got more than 100+ million followers all around the world and for sure she is earning the amount in millions. Like Nastya is accompanied by her parents by whom she performs in different videos and vlogs. She received views in billions and she is living a very lavish and high-worth lifestyle because of YouTube earnings.


Russian-American Little Angel Girl

Anastasia Radzinskaya was born in Russia, her parents are Russian but they moved to the United States recently, and now most of the videos are created and published in Florida, USA.

Accompanied by Parents

Her support and actors in videos are not other than her parents. Anastasia Radzinskaya’s father could be seen as a handsome guy in the videos along with her who gave a good childhood to her daughter and pocketed a good amount along with fun!. Her mother most of the time supports them in filming and capturing moments.

YouTube Channels

Like Nastya has a list of different YouTube channels, a few of them are Like Nastya, Like Nastya vlog, Stacy Toys, Funny Stacy and Stacy Show, etc. All channels are getting millions of fans and billions of views. Their most popular channel is Like Nastya vlog with 60 million followers at the moment in 2021.

Net worth

Currently, Anastasia Radzinskaya’s net worth is estimated at around $120 million dollars.

Personal Facts and Figures

  • Birthday/Birth Date: January 27, 2014
  • Place of Birth: Russia
  • Husband/Boy Friend: Single
  • Total Children: 0
  • Age: 10 Years old
  • Official Instagram: @LikeNastya
  • Occupation: Social Personality, Celebrity, YouTuber
  • Height: 4.5ft.
  • Popular Friends: Class Fellows, Parents

Business Facts/Figures

  • Salary: YouTube
  • Net worth: Est. $120 Million Dollars
  • Education: Yes, Studying in School
  • Twitter Followers: 1M+ Followers
  • Instagram Followers: 1M+
  • YouTube Followers: 320M+ Subscribers

Work and Awards:

Anastasia Radzinskaya Work:

  • Like Nastya
  • Young Celebrity
  • YouTube
  • Women Empowerment
  • vLogs
  • Media Personality

Like Nastya Channels:

  • Like Nastya
  • Like Nastya Vlog
  • Stacy Toys
  • Funny Stacy
  • Stacy Show
  • Funny Stacy PRT

Like Nastya Awards:

  1. YouTube Silver Awards
  2. YouTube Golden Awards
  3. YouTube Diamond Awards
  4. Future Super star
  5. Yong-est Popular YouTube-er

Important Questions Asked by Fans and Followers.

Q: How to Meet Anastasia Radzinskaya?
A: You can meet Anastasia Radzinskaya by making an appointment through her email or messaging her on social profiles.

Q: How to Contact Like Nastya through Email?
To contact Anastasia Radzinskaya known as Like Nastya through email check the above details.

Q: What is Age of Like Nastya girl?
A: Anastasia Radzinskaya is 10 Years Old as of 2024.

Q: Mobile Phone number of Like Nastya?
Mobile Phone Number of Like Nastya is provided in her details.

Q: What is the Contact Number of Like Nastya?
Mobile Number of the American Popular Anastasia Radzinskaya girl is not public.

Q: How many boyfriends does Anastasia Radzinskaya have?
A: As per the record, Anastasia Radzinskaya is young. She needs to be grown up for getting into a relationship as she is now 10 years old. Hope at age of 16 – 17 she found some good friend or boyfriend.

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19 thoughts on “Like Nastya Phone Number, Email ID, Contact Information, Biography, Whatsapp Details”

  1. Tanishka Nadkar

    Hi nastya I’m Tanishka Nadkar I am a girl I have subscribed to your channel and I am 7 years old

  2. Hi nastya I am your favourite actor and daily I will see your channel I love you ❤💚💙💛🧡💜🖤

  3. Hi my Name is Row I used to live in the same yard as Sabir. His wife didn’t keep their life private at all. I remember the day she found out he has a penis pump she told myself, my mum and sis inlaw… We was surprised as to why she showed us, but i had to ask him over whatsapp if he knew what she done… He was kinda shy but was open to show me his pictures and a video of how to use the pump.. I kept this to myself but my mum and sister soon found out as i showed them…. I even got access to his email address and Facebook account… Btw he likes my cute toes and the fact i shave my pussy… Ladies email him & men learn from him or ask him to lick her anal for you

  4. Hello nastya I am a girl like you I am 10 years old. Could you please give me your phone number🙏🙏

  5. Hi nastya I am Kavya from India I your biggest fan and I want to see you you can come to my home and you can see because you have just reached there but I am not like that I am like normal girl in India you can come in India and tamilnadu Chennai 33 thank you and you can call me the phone numbers 897 1271 40 bye bye

  6. Hi Stacy please call me please you are my favorite you are my best friend I am very happy.

  7. Hi Nastya, I am your best friend forever. I have subscribed to your channel. You are the best .

  8. Hi, my sister loves to watch your video on each and every device that is at home she subscribed to your channel. So can u subscribe to my channel pl❤️❤️❤️❤️

    …….. Love by Princess

  9. Mariaelena Rekas

    Hi, Nastya my name is Eliyah I would love to meet you I am 3 years old I bought all your toys from target I am also buying your games for $7.99 a month I love you so much Nastya please let me meet you and your daddy. God bless you

  10. Hi Nastya, my name is Dhahamsa, you don’t know me, but I watch your videos Everday, I am 5 years old, and I would love to see you, if you ever decide to visit Sri Lanka. I love you loads.

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