James Charles Phone Number, Email, House Address, Wiki, Biography, Whatsapp and Contact Information

Internet Celebrity James Charles Contact Number, Email Address, House Address, Phone Number Information, Biography, Wiki, Whats app, and more possible detailed information is provided here. James Charles is a Popular American internet celebrity, who is a well-known icon on Instagram, YouTube, and other social media accounts. He got attention when he openly accepted online that he is a Gay. Charles was born in New York and a 22 years old first male ambassador of CoverGirl. He started his career as a makeup artist specializing in hair styling and makeup. Once, he decided to upload his makeup tutorial videos on YouTube. In 2018, he actually started his YouTube Channel and started making different makeup videos and tutorials and kept them up in the YouTube channel by which he gained a lot number of followers and subscribers in a very short interval of time. He gained more than 25 million subscribers on his YouTube channel as of 2021.

James Charles got fame overnight when he become the first male spoke-person of CoverGirl. Charles’s popularity on YouTube and his specialized makeup techniques attracted Kylie Jenner to have makeup appointments with him by which he gave Kylie Jenner Halloween Makeup. On the break of news that he gave Kylie a Halloween makeup which was actually a masterpiece, he got more spotlight and popularity becoming a well-known internet celebrity in the United States.

In his family, he lived with his parents named Christie Dickinson, and Skip Dickinson. His only sibling’s name is Ian Jeffrey. Millions of fans want to contact him, so, let’s see the Mobile Phone contact details of the Makeup Artist and Internet Celebrity James Charles, Personal Contact Number, Business Phone, Other James Charles Contact Details, Email ID Account, Personal contact numbers, house addresses, Whatsapp, Wiki, biography, and More.

James Charles house address, email, phone number
Contact Information of Artist James Charles

Makeup Artist James Charles Phone Number, Email Address , Contact Number Information, House Address and other Details

James Charles Addresses:

  • House Address: James Charles, Bethlehem, NY, USA.
  • Residence Address: James Charles, City Bethlehem, New York, United States of America.

YouTube Star James Charles Phone Number and Contact Details info

  • James Charles Phone Number: Yes, American Network Number.
  • Makeup Artist James Charles Mobile Contact Number: NY Network SIM
  • WhatsApp Number of James Charles : Created and Activated.
  • Personal Phone Number: Same
  • James Charles Email Account: jcharlesbeauty@gmail.com (Verified)

Social Media Accounts of YouTube Creator ‘James Charles’

  • TikTok Account: https://www.tiktok.com/@jamescharles (verified)
  • Facebook Account: https://web.facebook.com/JCharlesBeauty (verified)
  • Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/jamescharles (Verified)
  • Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/jamescharles (Verified)
  • YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucot-Zp428OwkyRm2I7v2Q (verified)
  • Tumbler Details: N/A
  • Website: https://sisters-apparel.com (verified)
  • SnapChat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/jamescharless (Verified)
  • Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/68qhvhQC1mfGXAjhIQT1Zm

About (James Charles Biography)

James Charles birth name ‘James Charles Dickinson‘ born May 23, 1999, is a 22 years old youngest popular American Makeup artist known for YouTube videos and tutorials along with TikTok and other social media profiles. He started his career in the fashion and beauty field by introducing new makeup and hairstyles. His YouTube channel is full of beauty and the latest fashion tips and tutorials which gained more than 25 million active subscribers as of 2021. James Charles’s social media profiles are of trending in American with more than millions of followers all around the world. He is famous for giving Halloween makeup to popular actress Kylie Jenner. He is a notable Gay but he is one who first appeared as an ad spokesperson as a man for CoverGirl. He crossed 2 billion views for his valuable content at YouTube and for that reason he is known as YouTube Celebrity.


Makeup Artist, YouTuber, Social Media Personality

James Charles started his career as Makeup Artist and with the use of social media, he promoted himself into an international makeup artist by uploading beauty and makeup videos over different social media mainly YouTube. He gained millions of subscribers making him an internet celebrity overnight.


He is held a number of times for silly jokes and controversies over different matters. At age of 17, he was held for an Ebola joke but later he apologize.

Once #JamesCharlesIsOverParty trended over twitter in the result when he posted a video over the internet singing ‘My Type’.

Dating Life

As the sources and known facts, James Charles is a Gay. So, dating life is private for James Charles. If there will be any updates you will be updated.

Net Worth

James Charles earns well by the way. His mainstream income is beauty makeup and YouTube Channel. He already made a net worth of US $12 million.

Height, Weight Details

Physical measurements for James Charles are as follows.


In 2021, Charles’s weight is 70 KG.


At the age of 22 years, James Charles is 5,8′ tall.

Personal Facts and Figures

  • Birthday/Birth Date: May 23, 1999.
  • Place of Birth: Albany County, New York, U.S.
  • Wife/Girl Friend: N.A
  • Total Children: 0
  • Age: 22 Years old
  • Official TikTok: @jamescharles
  • Occupation: Tiktok-er, YouTuber, Makeup Artist, American Tutorial Video creator, Filmography.
  • Height: 5,8
  • Popular Friends: Celebrities.

Business Facts/Figures

  • Salary: Films/Endorsements/YouTube/Makeup Studio
  • Net worth: Est. US $12 Million Dollars
  • Education: Yes
  • TikTok Fans/Followers: 10 Million and Growing.
  • Twitter Followers: 5M
  • Instagram Followers: 17M
  • YouTube Followers: 17M Subscribers

Work and Awards:

James Charles Work:

  • YouTube Beauty Tutorials video creator
  • V-logging
  • TikTok Dancing videos and clips
  • Lip Syncing Content Creator
  • Social Media Personality
  • Beauty Saloon
  • Filmography
  • Music

James Charles Filmography:

  • Strahan, Sara and Keke
  • Shane and Friends
  • Apologies in Advance with Andrea Russett
  • Zall Good
  • The Secret World of Jeffree Star

Charles Awards:

  1. YouTube Gold Award
  2. YouTube Diamond Award
  3. YouTube Silver Award

Important Questions Asked by Fans and Followers.

Q: How to Meet James Charles?
You can meet James Charles at his residence after an appropriate appointment.

Q: How to Contact James Charles?
To contact James Charles check the Telephone and Email methods discussed above.

Q: What is the Mobile Phone Number of James Charles?
Telephone Number of Makeup Artist James Charles is provided above already.

Q: How many GF’s James Charles has?
A: James Charles is gay and GF’s are not known at the time.

Q: What is the Age of James Charles?
James is 22 Years Old as of December 2021.

Q: Mobile Contact number and email of James Charles?
The contact number and email of James Charles are available to make use of these as a method to contact him.

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