Tiktok, Instagram, YouTube Star Alan Stokes and Alex Stokes Mobile Phone Number, Email Address ID, House Address, Contact Number Information, Biography, Whatsapp and More possible original Twin Stokes verified information is provided. Twin Stokes are two twin brothers named Alex Stokes and Alan Stokes, Alan is 3 minutes elder than Alex. Both are too similar, and it is difficult for a normal person to differentiate between them. Their parents are often unable to resemble the correct child with their names. Twin Stokes got fame and popularity in the mid-2016 with the talented videos they created for YouTube Channel and the Lip Syncing Application TikTok. Alan Stokes and Alex Stokes are also popular celebrities on Instagram and Twitter as well.
Twin Brothers are called Twin Stokes, They have the same TikTok account and Instagram for their resemblance and followers. Stokes brothers already got more than 12 Million Active TikTok Fans and more than 10 million Instagram followers on their account, around 5 Million on Alex Stokes and 6 Million on Alan Stokes’s Instagram. Recently, Stroke twins have formed a partnership with web superstar Brent Rivera. Moreover, both brothers became a part of the web group Sunset Park. They got some best friends including Okaymoe and Moe Bradberry in the aforementioned web group.
So, let’s see the Mobile Phone contact details of Tiktok and YouTube Stars Twin Stokes (Alan Stokes and Alex Stokes), Personal Mobile Contact numbers, Business Cell Phone, Other Alex and Alan Stokes Contact Details, Email ID, Personal contact phone numbers, addresses and More.

TikTok Celebrities Alan and Alex Stokes Phone Number, Email Address ID, Contact Number Information and Details
Internet Sensation “Stokes Twins” Addresses:
- House Address: Alan and Alex Stokes Twins, Los Angeles, California, USA.
- Residence Address: Stokes Twins Alan and Alex, Los Angeles, California, United States of America.
Stokes Contact Phone Number and Contact Details info
- Twin Stokes Alan and Alex Mobile Phone Number: Yes, American Network
- Tiktok Twins Stokes Contact Number: Yes
- WhatsApp Number of Alan Stokes and Alex Stokes Twins: Registered and Activated
- Personal Phone Number: Same
- Alan Stokes and Alex Stokes Email Account: alan@ampstudios.co
Social Media Accounts of Teen muser ‘Maverick Baker’
- TikTok Account: https://www.tiktok.com/@stokestwins (verified)
- Facebook Account: NA
- Twitter Account: imalanstokes and imalexstokes
- Instagram Account: imalanstokes and imalexstokes (Verified)
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/alanalan9635 (verified)
- Tumbler Details: N/A
- Website: No
- SnapChat: imalanstokes/imalexstokes
- Spotify: Yes
About (Stokes Twins Biography)
Stokes Twins are 25 years old, twin brothers born in 1996. They develop different dancing and creative types of video content on their Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok Accounts. They are much popular among Social Media Personalities. Stokes Twins are known by their original birth names Alan Stokes and younger twin Alex Stokes. There is just a few minutes’ difference in their age and birth. Both look much familiar and talented and crack different jokes about themselves. Stokes Twins run the same YouTube Channel and TikTok were as they have different Instagram and Twitter along with Snapchat for themselves.
Stokes Twins are now being managed by AMP Studios, they are available for hire and projects including brand endorsements, both Alex and Alan Stokes could be ready to boost your brand with their endorsement.
Personal Facts and Figures
- Birthday/Birth Date: November 23, 1996.
- Place of Birth: Hollywood, U.S.
- Wife/Girl Friend: Date
- Total Children: 0
- Age: 25 Years old
- Official TikTok: @stokestwins
- Occupation: Tiktok-er, Dancer, American Video creator.
- Height: 5,9
- Popular Friends: Cash, Maverick Baker.
Business Facts/Figures
- Salary: Tiktok/Media
- Net worth: Est. $800K Million Dollars
- Education: Student
- TikTok Fans/Followers: 12 Million and Growing.
- Twitter Followers: 500k in the combine.
- Instagram Followers: 10M
- YouTube Followers: 3.5 Million Subscribers
Work and Awards:
Stokes Twins Work:
- YouTube videos
- Vlogs
- Creative Content and Pranks
- TikTok videos and clips
- Musers
- Vines
- Social Media Personality
- AMP Media
Alan Stoke and Alex Stoke Awards:
- Industry Teen Awards
- Internet Sensation Award 2020
- Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards
- Choice Muser 2019
- MTV Awards
- Youtube Silver and Gold Award.
Important Questions Asked by Fans and Followers.
Q: How to Meet Alan Stoke and Alex Stoke Twins?
A: You can meet Stoke Twins (Alan, Alex) by visiting their address.
Q: How to Contact Alan Stoke and Alex Stoke through Email?
A: To contact Twin Stokes, Alan Stoke, and Alex Stoke through email. send them an email to the given email id above.
Q: What is the Mobile Phone Number of Twin Stokes (Alan Stoke and Alex Stoke)?
A: Mobile Cell Phone Number of American Popular Alan & Alex Stoke is provided.
Q: What is the Age of Alan and Alex Stokes?
A: Both brothers in Twins Stokes are 25 Years Old.
Q: Mobile Contact number of Stokes Twin Alan Stoke and Alex Stoke?
A: The contact Number of Alan Stoke & Alex Stoke (Stoke Twins) is provided in their profile details above.
Hi Alan and alex, I like your tiktok, add me as friend on Facebook.
Hi Alan & Alex I love your tik tok & youtube videos can you add me as a friend on facebook pretty please.
I love the stokes twins!!!!
By the way I thought they had shared til tok and Youtube and different Instagram? They’ve said so in some of their somewhat recent videos.
I love u guys to much and alan is so cute
You are so beautiful
Hi I love you giys
Hi stokes twins I love your YouTube videos I never heard that Alex is single poor Alex maybe for my first birthday I can date him
Hi Stokes twins I really love your YouTube videos. Just of the videos made me cry and that was when Alex was ill
hi Alex and Alan i love you what is your fav bts song i like bts to mine is your eye tell and stay gold
Hi alex and alan i like u guys so much
Hey stokes twins
Hey Alex and Alan can you guys make a fortnite video
Hi, my name is celine. I have a twin too. we look the same. Her name is madison.
hi alex and alan you are my fav
Hi Alex & Alan you l’m a big fan of you can I get your phone number please my phone number is 928606425*
Alex and alan whatsapp number please
Hii I am a big fan
Hey i love guys so much big fan xd
Hi Alan and Alex you guys are my favorite twins of all time and I love you guys so much
I just hope you guys see this
Ariana Grande hi I love your channel I’ll give you my phone number thank you.😍😍😍😍💐 and also can you tell us all your phone numbers so we can call you someday or I will give you mine. 6478598 -3035*
Hi Alex and Alan I don’t know why I do but I have dreams abt meeting Alex and Alan and I wish it was true 😭
Hi l,m Niancka I like you guys on TikTok and on YouTube 😘😘😘
Please tell me your phone number it was my dream to meet u guys
Hi I want to see you when I’m older and your friends I want to be in your vlogs maybe bc when I’m older I want to be a YouTuber whit Lexi Brent Andrew and your other friends I’m just a kid I’m 8
I want to meat y’all but I am just a kid I’m 8 when I’m older I want to blog whit your friends like Andrew Lexi Brent Ben Lexi henzler Kat and all your other friends I want to blog whit y’all because when I’m older I want to be a youtuber
hi, stoke twins, i am subscribe to your channel I want to see you in real life and i know your names can I see you yes😊or no😥
My dream is to meet Alan and Alex please put me in a YouTube video.
I wish to be in your videos Alan and Alex
hey alan alex your videos is cool
Hi!!! The Stokes twins are so cool!!! I am among one of their millions of subscribers!!! Also can we please have your number??? (Mine is 9107585910, but no naughty business if any of you plan on contacting me
By the way I am a subscriber and when I was 5 I subscribe on every video I watch on you guy channels and I am 9 year old and can I get 100,000 cash