MattyB-Raps Phone Number, Email Address, House Location, Contact Number Information, Biography, Whatsapp Account and More

American Popular Celebrity MattyBRaps Telephone Number, Email Address, Contact Number Information, Wiki-Biography, Whatsapp and house address with More possible verified information is provided here. MattyB also known as MattyBRaps is a popular American teenage musician and singer well-known for remixing popular American songs and music. His birth name is ‘Matthew David Morris’ and he was born in Atlanta, Georgia. MattyB is famous in rap songs category because his followers are subscribers totally love his rap music collection. He upload all of his work at YouTube where he already gained more than 15 million active subscribers and his channel gained billions of views with huge appreciation and love feedback from the audience. MattyBRaps already got a success in Songwriting, Signings, Raping Music and Songs, Acting as well as Dancing.

Moreover, just a teenager he gained huge success in very little time as he started his professional career in the music industry in 2010, and in a one and half decade he grew as a popular American singer and songwriter who grew on his own talent and interest. Morris released his first debut in the music industry by remixing a song named as ‘I Believe in You’ whereas his first commercial song is also a remix of ‘Just the way You are’. After getting millions of views and copies sold for his music for dollars he was called for different television programs and interviews including Wending William Show, Today, Dr. Phil, and the American Queen Show. MattyB is a much-matured singer and musician with plenty of success on his way and gained already in recent times.

He has been invited for interviews and featured in shows including Today, The Wendy Williams Show, Dr. Phil, WWE, and The Queen Latifah Show. Some of his singles are Be Mine, Right on Time, Never Too Young, Can’t Get You Off My Mind, That Girl is Mine, Already Gone, Friend Zone, Utopia, Monsters, Get You Back, Forever and Always among others. So, let’s see the Phone contact details of American Singer MattyBRaps, Personal Contact Numbers, Business Cell Phone, Other MattyB Contact Details, Email ID, Personal contact phone numbers, house and residence addresses, and More.

MattyB Phone Number, Email, House Address
MattyBRaps Contact Information

American Celebrity MattyB Phone Number, Email Address, Contact Number Information and Biography Details

Singing Sensation MattyBRaps Addresses:

  • House Address: MattyBRaps Matthew David Morris, Duluth, Georgia, U.S.
  • Residence Address: MattyB-Raps (Matthew David Morris), Duluth, Georgia, United states of America.

Rap Star MatttyB-Raps Contact Phone Number and Contact Details info

  • MattyB Mobile Phone Number: Yes, American Network SIM
  • YouTube Singer MattyBRaps Contact Number: Same
  • WhatsApp Number of MattyB: Registered and Activated on iOS.
  • Personal Phone Number: Fans, Public Allowed.
  • Matty-B Raps Email Account: (Verified)

Social Media Accounts of Teenager American Singer ‘MattyB’

  • TikTok Account: (verified)
  • Facebook Account: (Verified)
  • Twitter Account: (Verified)
  • Instagram Account: (Verified)
  • YouTube Channel: (Verified)
  • Tumbler Details: N/A
  • Website: (Verified)
  • Spotify:
  • Snap-chat: REALMATTYBRAPS (Verified)

About (MattyB Biography)

MattyBRaps is a nickname used by the American Teenager whose birth name is Matthew David Morris. He is also known by several nicknames including Matthew, Matty, David, Morris, Matty Raps, and MattyBRaps. Matthew David Morris was born and raised in Atlanta State, Georgia City, United States of America. Matty Born January 06, 2003, is a 20 years old American nationalist teenager popular all around the world and known for his best performance in singing and songwriting career. As well as, Matty got a good hand in rap songs, remixing popular music and tracks as well as making a few dancing videos along with sharp acting skills.


Amazingly, MattyB gained huge success on YouTube channel where he owns more than 15 million active subscribers which is not a less than milestone for any popular singer. He extended her videos and scope to other social media including Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and TikTok. He earns a handsome amount of income through his YouTube Monetization along with direct music selling.

Songwriter, Remix, Raps, Social Media, Singer, Dancer, Actor

Starting his Career with music and song remixing MattyB became one of the well-known singers in the United States within a few years, he was known for his best rap songs and remixes in earlier periods of his career. Some of the well-known and popular hits of his early times’ tracks are ‘Just The Way You Are’ and ‘I Believe in You’.

After entitling to success, MattyB extended his scope further into Raping songs, writing new songs, and singing them along with the release of new albums and solo tracks. Over time, MattyB becomes one of the best sellers and well-known teenage music Artists of the industry as well as in the whole State. Now MattyB is a successful Singer, Songwriter, Actor, Dancer and Rapper.


MattyB’s parents are Tawny Morris and Blake Morris. He has 4 siblings, three brothers, and one sister. MattyB’s siblings are named as Sarah Grace Morris, Blake Morris Jr., John Michael Morris, and Joshua Morris.

YouTube Success

Along with Career, MattyB is one of the most successful You Tuber of recent times. He gained more than 15 million subscribers making him one of the top and best-known YouTube creators of America.


As, now he is one of the best sellers singer and YouTuber, same is his earning source. As of 2024, MattyB Raps is worth $15 million US Dollars.

Personal Facts and Figures

  • Birthday/Birth Date: January 06, 2003.
  • Place of Birth: Duluth, Georgia, U.S.
  • Wife/Girl Friend: Kate Cadogan
  • Total Children: 0
  • Age: 20 Years old
  • Official TikTok: @MATYYBRAPS
  • Occupation: Singer, Dancer, American Video creator, Songwriter, Rapper Artist
  • Height: 5,8
  • Popular Friends: Justin Bieber, Jaden Smith

Business Facts/Figures

  • Salary: Music Albums/YouTube Channel
  • Net worth: Est. 15M Dollars
  • Education: Student
  • TikTok Fans/Followers: 15 Million and Growing.
  • Twitter Followers: 1M
  • Instagram Followers: 1.5M
  • YouTube Followers: 15M Subscribers

Work and Awards:

MattyB Work:

  • YouTube videos
  • Songwriter
  • Composer
  • Remixes
  • Vlogs
  • Singer
  • TikTok videos and clips
  • Musician
  • Social Media Celebrity
  • Actor
  • Dancer
  • Rapper Artist

Popular Matty B Albums and Tracks:

  • Free Birds (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
  • Outside the Lines
  • Already Gone
  • Hey Matty
  • California Dream in
  • Sixteen
  • Story of my Life

MattyB Awards:

  1. Teen Muser Awards
  2. Internet Sensation Award 2020
  3. Kids’ Music Choice Awards
  4. MTV Awards for Kids Section
  5. YouTube Silver Button
  6. YouTube Gold Award

Important Questions Asked by MattyB Fans and Followers.

Q: How to Meet MattyB?
A: You can meet Matty by visiting his physical address provided after the appropriate appointment to the details provided above.

Q: How to Contact MattyB via Email?
A: MatyB Raps’ email address is provided in the contact section above, use it to send an email now.

Q: What is the Original Mobile Phone Number of MattyB Raps?
A: Cell Phone Number of American Popular Singer and Composer MattyB is provided above.

Q: How many girlfriends does Matty B have?
A: He is dating Kate Cadogan for many years.

Q: What is the Age of Matty-B?
A: MattyB is 20 Years Old as of 2024.

Q: Mobile Contact number of Rapper MattyB?
The contact Number of American Matty B. Raps is provided in his details above, use it wisely.

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7 thoughts on “MattyB-Raps Phone Number, Email Address, House Location, Contact Number Information, Biography, Whatsapp Account and More”

  1. Adelle Legesse Legesse

    Hey mattybraps crush on you I love ❤️ you forever. Make you smile 😊 dance with you

  2. Hi Mattyb raps my name is Iyanna Mckinney

    Do you know the haschak sisters

    If you do can you ask Sierra and Olivia haschak if they would like to be my friend

    Tell them my name and everything after that

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