Popular Actor Kit Sebastian Connor’s Phone Number, Email contact ID, House and Residence Address, Contact Number Information, Biography, WhatsApp, and related Kit Connor communication information is added here. Kit Connor is a 19 years old English actor who started working at the age of 8 as a child actor. He debuted his acting performance in an episode of each of the shows Chickens, An Adventure in Space and Time, and Casualty. Kit Connor has performed on the stage shows as well such as Welcome Home, Captain Fox! and Fanny & Alexander. Connor gained popularity and fame because of his role as Archie Beckles on the television show Rocket’s Island along with feature films Mr. Holmes and Get Santa.
His acting in the Rocket’s Island alongside English actor Samuel Bottomley was outstanding and up to mark. To date, Connor has worked in more than a dozen Television shows and series including Chickens, An Adventure in a Space and Time, Causality, SS-GB, Grandpa’s Great Escape, Grantchester, War and Peace, Heartstopper 2022, His Dark Materials 2022, and The Frankenstein Chronicles among others. His film debuts include Get Santa, Little Joe, Rocketman, The Mercy, Slaughterhouse Rulez, Ready Player One, and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.
Furthermore, he is active on social media and sustained millions of followers on Instagram and Twitter. He completed his education at Hayes Primary School in Kenley and then at Whitgift School. Other than his ongoing TV series Heartstopper, he has many inline Hollywood film projects that are going to release in 2024 and 2025 with the Titles, One of Us, and A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow. So, let’s see the Phone contact details of English Actor Ki Connor, Personal Mobile Number, Cornnor’s Business Cell Phone, Other Contact Details, Email ID, Personal contact phone numbers, physical addresses, and More.

Actor Kit Connor’s Phone Number, Email ID, and Address Details
Connor’s Addresses:
- House Address: Kit Sebastian Connor, Croydon, London, England, United Kingdom
- Residence Address: Actor Kit Sebastian Connor, Croydon, London, England, UK
English Actor Kit Sebastian Connor Phone Number Contact Details
- Kit Connor Phone Number: +44-889-UK-4G-Number, Active
- Actor Kit Connor Contact Number: English Network SIM +44-889-KIT-NUMB
- WhatsApp Number: Active, Registered in 2022
- Personal Phone Number: FnF and TV Team
- English Actor Kit Connor Email Account: kitconnor@gmail.com
Social Media Accounts of Popular Actor ‘Kit Sebastian Connor’
- Twitter Account: https://mobile.twitter.com/kit_connor (Verified)
- Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/kit.connor/ (Verified)
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN2kGYxkUZs
- Microsoft: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/contributor/kit-connor/c56a8200-0200-11db-89ca-0019b92a3933
- Snapchat: Kit.Connor
- Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kit_Connor
About (Kit Connor Biography)
Kit Sebastian Connor was born on March 8, 2004, in London, England. He was raised to fame because of working as a child actor on Television. Other than television he has been a part of various filmography, television commercials, and films. His popular debuts in the Television and Film industry are inclusive of Mr. Holmes, War & Peace, Heartstopper, His Drak Materials, and Little Joe. Many of his followers know him for his Rocket’s Island debut. Moreover, he has a massive fan following on social media where he shares his life, family, behind-the-scenes photos, and videos.
English Family
Connor belongs to an English family which resides in London. His family has been a great application for him to pursue an acting career. His father is a businessman whereas his mother is a housemaker. His siblings are studying in London High School whereas he completed his studies at Hayes Primary School in Kenley and Whitgift School.
Dating Life
Kit Connor is dating in a private relationship and has not declared his girlfriend’s name in the media or on social media yet.
Due to multiple film projects and ongoing Television series, Kit Connor has made more than $4 million in his net worth value.
Personal Facts and Figures
- Birthday/Birth Date: March 8, 2004
- Place of Birth: London, England
- Wife/GirlFriends: Private Relationship
- Total Children: 0
- Age: 19 Years old
- Official TikTok: N/A
- Occupation: English Actor, Social Media Personality
- Height: 5,8
Business Facts/Figures
- Salary: Actor/Movies/TV commercials
- Net worth: Est. $4 Million Dollars
- Education: YHayes Primary School, Whitgift School
- TikTok Fans/Followers: N/A
- Twitter Followers: 1M Followers
- Instagram Followers: 8M
- YouTube Followers: 0
Work and Awards:
Kit Connor Work:
- English Actor
- Social Media Personality
- Filmography
- Television
- TV Commercials
- Student
- Stage Debuts (Welcome Home, Captain Fox!, Fanny & Alexander)
Television Industry Work:
- Chickens
- Casualty
- Heartstopper
- His Dark Materials
- The Frankenstein Chronicles
- Rocket’s Island
- An Adventure in Space and Time
- Grantchester
Filmography Work:
- Little Joe
- Get Santa
- Mr. Holmes
- Ready Player One
- Slaughterhouse Rulez
- The Mercy
- The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
- A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow
- One Of Us
Connor Awards:
- MTV Movie Awards
- Teen Choice Awards
- Favorite Movie Actor
- Favorite Action Movie Actor
- Royal Television Society Programme Awards 2023
- Queerty Awards 2023
Important Questions Asked by Fans and Followers.
Q: How to Meet Kit Connor?
A: You can meet Connor by making an appointment through his email, phone, or social accounts for business and personal matters.
Q: How to Contact Connor through Email?
A: To contact Kit Connor through email for business queries etc. check the email ID address above.
Q: What is the Phone Number of the Actor Kit Connor?
A: Mobile Phone Number of the English Popular Young Actor Kit Sebastian Connor is given above.
Q: How many girlfriends does Connor have?
A: He is dating a girl in a private relationship.
Q: What is the Age of Kit Connor?
A: He is 18 Years Old.
Q: Mobile Contact number and House Address of Kit Connor?
A: All contact information including Kit Connor’s House Address and Phone Numbers are provided in detail.
Hi I just wanted to let you know kit Connor he is my big crush on heart-stopper And I am 15 years old born in 2006 just 2 years older than me so I think would be the best friend and I am gay as well so I just wondering if he can help me with the acting career that would be nice Thank you
Kit Connor please get back at me at bernandezchave886@gmail.com
Please because I want to have an acting career and I want to act along with you and..please that means a lot to me
Hi Kit Connor I follow you on Instagram As nahun424 and I have commented on you and on and I was wondering if you can help me with my career as a Movie actor and what not and I am really impressed with your singing Rocketmen and you have all the talent I mean you can be you and don’t care what think about you and you would. Be a good singer and what not and I hope to see another season Of heartstopper In Paris and I read all the books And I and your Co-Stars keep me on the edge of my seat and then see what happens Next and I always get Emotional sometimes and be happy when romantic scenes come on getting me And I am from New York City Brooklyn and I sometimes see pictures of your clothes stores and you at New York some places you guys go to recognize in the background And And is being Gay as well and In the LBTQ+ Community.
Hi I’m a huge fan of heartstopper it has been my dream to meet the cast if you see this please let me know my number is 562 844 1228 so please let call or text me tysm 💗 🥰❤ kit Connor and Joe Locke sorry if I spelled you name wrong Joe bye K+J😘
I love and adore the heartstopper cast so much and it has been a huge dream of mine for a good long while to meet them and I would really love it if I could meet them somehow. Kit And Joe I love yall so much and your acting skills are amazing I hope you see this and I would really like to discuss my acting career for the future and maybe possibly work alongside you Kit and Joe! If you happen to come across this or see it, please let me know and call or text me at (817) 313-2928!!! I love yall so much and I hope I get to meet you someday cause that would make my life a whole lot better!
I love and adore the heartstopper cast so much and it has been a huge dream of mine for a good long while to meet them and actually sit down and have a conversation with them or just call and talk to them or talk to them on Instagram or something! I love you kit and joe and I would like to sit down and discuss my acting career for the future and just finally get to meet my idols! I am 13 years old and from Waxahachie Texas I do understand that’s a good long way from London but I would love to finally meet you guys! It would make my dream come true to meet you guys and my life would be so much better! Please text or call me at (817) 313-2928! I love you guys so much kit and joe and feel free to contact me anytime! I love the heartstopper cast so much and I hope I get to meet them one day especially you kit Connor and joe Locke! I love you guys so much! Please contact me🥰🥰🥰
I am the fan of HeartStopper because I do like Nic Nelson he is very Cute I just want to say please can I have a Nic Nelson mobile Number and I will send him my Number 07597931027 I hope you have a nice Couple together with Charlie Spring I have been watching you on your Love life
Hey guys I am also a big fan of Heartstopper and I think you make a good term. I am from South Africa but love meet you I am.17 years old. My number is +27 63 674 6864
hi Kit Connor i am like ur biggest fan i hope to meet you one day im very inspired from heartstopper. I also wanted to say i emailed you the other day because the scene from Heartstopper where nick came out to his Mum has helped me evan thought i dont know what my sexuality is
Hi, Kit, im one of your biggest Fans me and my friend are living in Germany and our biggest dream is to Meet you can you please com one only one time to Germany. We and many Other Fans in Germany want to meet you. Please answer.
❤️kit I need you your the love of my life and u don’t even know it